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Mercurius politicus, Number 350, 19th-26th February 1657 E.195[12]

against the Poles, proffering such reasonable conditions, as
that his Majesty of Sweden resolves to embrace his friendship,
they having ordained Commissioners to treat with the said
Dukes Ambassador for that purpose. The Swedes are said to
have divided their Armie into three Squadrons, in as much as
whatever way the King and Czarnezky take its though they
wil be met with, & that by the next Post we shall hear of some
bloody rencounter betwixt them : this unhoped for accident
of Czarnetzkies Arrivall, and the Kings departure from
Dantzig, is like to put the Treaty ( at P. Hollond appointed)
to a stand. Last Friday Prince Adolph brother to his Majesty
of Sweden came to the City. Its thought his Highness will
not continue long here, but according to the Kings speciall
order hasten his journey to the Army, he being now wholly
restored from the late mischance he got in Poland.
From Venice January 21.
The Commissary Generall of Dalmatia hath often sent to
demand succor of the Senate, which he pressath earnestly for
by Letter, because the Turks do augment their forces continually;
part of them are already upon their march with 40 peices
of Cannon; which hath quickned this Republick to hasten
their Preparations, and they have ordered the Galley Arbesena
to set saile with 10000 Dukus, till they can finde out
a way for the raising of a greater sum.
He writes word also, that in Bosnia the Turk is gathering
together all the Provisions that ever he can, and that the new
Bashaw, to give a proof of this vertue, is very active, promising
to do great matters at spring, more then ever was attempted
by his Predecessor.
Our Generalissimo Mocconigo, is bending his course toward
the Isle of Tencdos, to secure that place, the Turks the earning
to besiege it with 30 Galleys, a great number of Brigantines, and
1000 Men.
At the instances of the Pope to this seigniory, on saturday the
20 instant, a decree was passed by our senate; whereby the Jesuit
are restored into all the territories of this Republick, Since
which the Sieur Caraffa the Popes Nunto hath, in the name of
his Holiness, given thanks to the Senate.
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