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Mercurius politicus, Number 350, 19th-26th February 1657 E.195[12]

The same day the Moscovi[unr] Ambassadors were to have
made their Entrance into this City, but by reason of the Soul
weather, it was put off till next day the 21, and then they entred
with great state, a great number of Gondolaes and other
Boats being filled with senators, to conduct them to their
lodging, where they are nobly treated at the public charge;
and they are to have their first audience, as soon as our Duke,
who at present lieth in of the Gone, shall be in condition to receive
them. In the mean time, 3 very rich new Gondolaes are
launched for their service.
Westminster, Friday Feb. 2.
This day the Parliament observed the day of Publick Thanksgiving
at Margarets Church, for the happy deliverance of the person of his
Highness the Lord Protector, from the lase dangerous & bloody design
of Assassination, Mr. Warren and Mr. Gillespie preached before the
House, according to Order.
After the Sermons, the Speaker and the Members of Parliament, repaired
to Whitehal, to dine with His Highness, who gave them in the
Banquetting-house a most Princely Entertainment.
After Dinner his Highness with drew to the cock-pit, and there entertained
them with rare Musick, both of instruments ans Voyces, till
the evening.
Thursday 19. Febr.
A Bill for dividing the Parish and Vicarage of Horn-Church in the
County of Essex into several Parishes and Vicarages, and raising additional
maintenance for the Ministers or Vicats of Rumford and Havering,
was this day read the first time.
A Bill for an Assessment on England at the rate of 60000 l. a
month, for three months was this day read the first time.
The house was resolved into a Grand Committee for raising
400000 l. for carrying on the War with Spain
Upon the humble petition of Anthony Hilary a Prisoner in Newgate,
formerly committed for exhibiting a false accusation against Mr.
Burton a Member of the House, by which petition he acknowledgeth
the accusation to be false, and done upon a wicked instigation and
that he is sa[unr] in his conscience, that the said Mr. Burton was
wronged therein, and begging pardon, the house did order his enlargement.
The House adjourned tiil Saturday morning
Saturday 11 Feb.
This day the House p[unr]eded reading some Bills and Petitions,
and receiving some Reports from Committees, adjourned till Monday.
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