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Mercurius politicus, Number 350, 19th-26th February 1657 E.195[12]

From Franckfort on the Maine. February 10.
Last week the deputies of the Empire had a meeting to deliberate
upon the present warr betwixt Sweden and Poland,
but they came not to any resolve, because of the variety of opinions
among them.
On the 30 of last month, divers Troops of the Prince Elector
Palatine, and some belonging to the duke of Wittenberg,
the Marquis of Bidon, and of Durlach, surprised a Fort which
the Elector of Mentz had caused to be made near Worms, and
dismissing the garrisons, raised it to the ground, and burnt the
Palisadoes in presence of the Elector Palatine, who passed from
thence to Frankendal.
From Marienb[unr]rgh in Prussia February 7.
The King of Sweden and the Elector of Bandenbergh,
when they meet lately in the Town of Prussie-Holland, confirmed
themselves in a right understanding of each other, and
resolved they would admitt of a Treaty with the Pole, the
said King before his departure, having for this end deputed
the Count Bennet Oxenstiern, and the President Berenklaw,
on his behalf; and tis conceived, Thata metting will be given
them by the great Chancellor of Poland and others for
the same purpose : In the promoting of which work the
French and Dutch Ambassadors are very busie.
His Being parted with the Elector, and coming within a
league of the City of Elbing , the Dutch Ambassadors came
on to meet him, and when they drew near, his majesty alighted
out of his Coach, and received them with all the fignes of honor
and courtesie, going all together towards the said City,
where the King was received with great honor by the Magistrates,
and at the Citizens in arms.
Afterwards, the King invited the Dutch Ambassadors to
dinner; ans as they were together at Table, a Letter was
brought from Ragotzi Prince of Transylvania to his Majesty,
wherein said Prince gave has Majesty to Understand; that
he has upon his march towards Poland with an army of
20000 men, not reckoning the 5000 Wallachians, the 5000 of
Moldavia, and the 10000 Cossacks, which (when all united)
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