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Mercurius politicus, Number 350, 19th-26th February 1657 E.195[12]

From Milan, January 31.
Some daies ago, here arived Don Antonio Piementelli,
heretofore Ambassador of Spain to Christina Q. of Sweden,
having been staid a good while by the way at Final, because
he came from Rome, which City remaineth still inf[unr]cted.
Count Testa Piccolomini, whom the Imperial, General Enkenfort
had sent into Germanie, is now returned again, and
hath brought Assurance, that the Emperor is fully resolved
to send 6000 men into this Dutchie at Spring to assist his Majesty
of Spain, 10000 talked of are fallen to 6000, but these
will make a notable Recruit to the said Generall Enkenfort.
And verily some undertaking here will be carly for the recovery
of Valentia, where the French garrison make now their
excursions out at pleasure into the Country.
The French we see) are not unmindfull of their Affairs in
Italy, Two ships and 2 great Barques laden with Foot that
come out of Provence, are arived in the Gulph Della Specie,
where they are in expectation of others to land at Viareggio,
who are to passe into the Duke of Modena's country.
From Paris the 24 of February 1657. S. N.
On the day called Ash Wednesday the States of Languedoc
was to deliberate on the two Millions demanded by the King,
for the discharging of them of part of the Soldiery they are
to quarter. The Clergy here hath yet deliberate but upon
the common charges, and the regulating of some other affaires
of the Assembly, which is to day to take into consideration,
the augmentation of the gift to be presented to the King. The
Archeishop of Thoulose, having been order[unr]d to pray the
Cardinall Mazarin to have the business of the Regalis judged,
the said Cardinall gave him good hopes of [unr]. The grand
Master of Malta being wounted every year to send to the
King some tall Faulcons, the Chevalier de Crochan presented
his Majesty with four exceeding fair ones, and the Cardinall
with two, who presented them to his Majesty. The Venetians
do much regret the death of their Generall Borri, and
the Republick hath not only restablished the Jesuites, but also
hath suppressed all the proceedings formerly made against
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