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Mercurius politicus, Number 559, 17th-24th March 1659 E.195[33]

Soldiers are ready, marching to be embarqued by the end of
this month at the Texel.
From Prussia, March 5.
Some Swedish Troops came to the River Weyssel, betwixt
Newburg and Graduentz, bringing with them storeof Provision
and Ammunition, intending to Provide Graudentz and
Strasburg with all manner of necessaries, carrying all manner
of provisions from other Towns and Villages to strengthen
the said two places.
There are many great Guns, Mortar-pieces, and other
warlike Engines making ready at Marienburg and Elbing; to
what end, it is uncertain.
The Dyet is to have its beginning at War show very speedily,
to restore the Crown of Poland (if it may be) to its former
From Lubeck, 11 March.
It seems, that the Swedish (as the King of Denmark in his
Letter expresseth) lost before Coppenhagen several of their
high Officers; within the City were wounded and Killed but
few men, Persons of quality write from the Swedish Camp,
that many of their slain were brought thither. To Coock,
Rotskild, and Elsenor, the soldiers are brought to be cured
of their wounds.
There is arived here a Norway ship, which passed the
Sound on the seventh of March, who faith, That she saw no
ship at all in the Sound.
A Skipper coming from Landscrown, relates, That seventeen
Swedish Men of War lie there, and each ship is guarded
with men: All manner of tacklings are sent thither to repair
From Hamburgh, 12 March.
News is brought from Kyow, that the Polanders, the Cossacks,
and Tartars that joyned with them, had given a great
overthrow to the Moscovites, ruining 15000 of them, and
taking from them their Artillery and Baggage.
News is brought even now from Copenhagen, dated the
fifth of March, that several ships are arived there laden with
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