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Mercurius politicus, Number 559, 17th-24th March 1659 E.195[33]

provision; and they say, that the Swedish threaten a new attempt
upon Coppenhagen.
From Colen, 15 March.
No levying of Soldiers is tolerated here, except it be for
his Imperial Majesty, and for the Republick of Venice. The
Duke of Newburg demanded of the States of Gulick and
Bergh, (who have their meeting at Dusseldorp) a great sum
of money for the maintaining of his horse and foot, and more
moneys also he will have for a new levying of men; whether
the States will do it, time will shew.
We hear from Friburg, that the Prince Elector of Brandenburg
hath given order to his respective Officers to compleat
their Regiments, which are to be employed against the
From St. Sebastian March 8.
The Spanish Silver fleet is expected every day in Spain; for
the safe arival of which, every one longeth the rather, because
it is richly laden. We have news from Madrid, that his
Catholick Majesty isin good health, and that her Majesty intends
to go from Madrid to Saragoza to take the fresh air after
her lying in. the King hath sent 3000 men to Badajox to reinforce
the Spanish army, which is to march very Speedily
against the Portugez, to which end they make great preparations.
Another from the Hague, 17 March.
The Lords States of Holland are not yet come together;
but are expected to meet speedily. The 4000 men appointed
for Denmark are ready, which are to be at the Texel on the
twentieth of this Month, there to be imbarqued. The fleet
is almost ready to sail for Denmark.
In all Forts and Strong holds about Antwerp, all the soldiers
are to be mustred on the 18 of March; and so must the
Marriners be mustered also, and a moneths pay is to be given
They are making ready, and design an early opening of the
Campagne to oppose the French.
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