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Mercurius politicus, Number 559, 17th-24th March 1659 E.195[33]

One Regiment is levyed for his Lifeguard, which is
to march with the 10000 men which General Lamboy Commands,
and they are to march to Planders. Prince Rigotzi
hath obtained leave to leavy 3 Regiments in the Empire.
On Sonday last being the 16 Feb. came an express to his
said Highness the Archduke of Inspruck, bringing news from
the Chapter at Trent, that he was with one mouth excepted
their Bishop. His Highness bestowed for his news on the
Courrier that brought it, a gift worth 100 Ducats.
From Brabant, March 36.
Letters from Paris, dated the 21 of February, mention,
that the Royal Spanish Ambassador Piementelli Keeps no
longer himself incognito, but appears to Court, and keeps
conference daily; from whence it is supposed by some that
Peace is intended, nay, some Courtiers speak boldly, that
the treaty of Peace stand upon such terms, as if it would effectually
be concluded on both sides, and content and satisfaction
be given to all parties; yet others suppose it to be no
mye but for a ceffation of arms for four months, because within
that time the interests of the Prince of Conde (which obstruct
the treaty of Peace) may be laid by, or accommodated.
Westminster, Thursday 17 March.
John St. Aubin Esq; who was chosen to serve as a Member
in this present Parliament, for the Boroughs of St. Jves and
St. Jermins, in the County of Cornwal, made his choice to
serve for the Borough of St. Jves, and waved his Election
for the Borough of St. Jermins aforesaid.
Whereupon the House ordered a new writ to be issued for
the Election of a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament
for the Borough of St. Jermins, in the County of Cornwal,
in the place of John St. Aubin Esq; doubly elected; and Mr.
Speaker was ordered to send his Warrant to the Clerk of the
Commonwealth in Chancery, for the issuing of a new Writ
for the Election of a Burgess for the Borough of St. Jermins
A new writ was likewise ordered to be issued for the Election
of a Burgess to serve in this present Parliament for the
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