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Mercurius politicus, Number 559, 17th-24th March 1659 E.195[33]

Borough of Milborne Port, in the County of Somerset, in the
place of Robert Hunt Esq; who was returned to serve for the
said Borough, and likewise for the said County of somerset,
and being by leave of the House, now absent, and having not
declared himself for which place he would serve. the House
appointed him to serve for the said County; and ordered Mr.
Speaker to send his Warrant to the clerk of the Commonwealth
in Chancery, for the issuing of a new Writ for the Election
of a Burgess for the said Borough of Milborne Port accordingly.
The House Ordered that Four of the Members of the
House, named in the said Order, do from this House go unto
and visit Mr. Speaker Chaloner Chute, who for the present is
detained, by reason of his indisposition of health from attending
the service of the Parliament.
According to former Order, the House resumed the Debate
concerning the sitting of Members returned for Scotland.
The House adjourned that debate until two of the clock
in the Afternoon, which was then resumed and proceeded on.
Friday, 18 March.
This day the House resumed the Debate concerning the
sitting of the Members returned for scotland.
The House adjourned that Debate until two of the clock
in the Afternoon, which was then resumed and proceeded on,
and adjourned until tomorrow morning.
Saturday, 19 March.
According to former Order, the House resumed and proceeded
in the debate concerning the sitting of the Members
returned for Scotland.
The House ordered, That this Debate be adjourned till
Monday morning, and that nothing else do then intervene,
Whitehal, March 19.
By Letter yesterday it was certified, that the Lord General
Montague, and the ships with him, were then below Lee Road,
intending this day (the wind holding fair) to make sail forthwith
for ousley-Bay, where he is expected by the residue of the
fleet, it being the place appointed for their Rendezvous.
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