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Mercurius politicus, Number 559, 17th-24th March 1659 E.195[33]

From Venice, March 7.
We have now reason to beleeve that the Propositions
made at Constantinople for an Accomodation, as also the
Enlargement of our Baily Capello, and of Secretary Ballarini,
were made upon no other account than to amuse this Republick
under pretences of peace, that so we might slacken our
preparations for Warr in this Campagne: for, by letters
lately come thence, we are advised, that our Baily and his said
Colleague are as strictly guarded again as before, and not permitted
so much as to receive a visit in their prison; and this
by speciall Order of the Grand Seignior, who sets his people
at work night and day to prepare a prodigious number of
Galleys; so that he seems to intend a setting forth of a
more powerfull fleet than hath been Known in many yeers
The Bashaw Ussaim, who is to command it, hath sent advise
to his Master, that having ruined those Isles of the Archipelago
which payd contribution to the Venetians,
and which might furnish upon occasion with Victuals for
our Armada, he had sent 12000 men, among which are 4000
Janisaries, to goe to Candia, thereto assist in carrying on the
works there before the Metropolitan City, the siege whereof
he resolves to begin with the first of April, supposing he shall
by that time receive the supplies expected from Tunis, Argrer,
Biserte, and the other places of Africa, whom he expects to
come to him in the Isle of Rhodes, where he in the mean while
stayeth with 40 Galleys, and a number of Brigantines and
other Vessels.
All these preparations on the other side for Warr do
quicken this State also to redouble their endevors to oppose
so grand an Enemy, by preparing a considerable number of
Ships and Galleys to be furnished out with all things necessary
for the releef and defence of Candia, the main stress of the
Warr being like to rest upon that Island, so that this yeer
there is little cause to fear any thing in Dalmatia.
The Bashaw of Aleppo, whose Forces daily encrease, continueth
Master of the field, where so great a consumption of Victuals
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