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Mercurius politicus, Number 559, 17th-24th March 1659 E.195[33]

is made by his Army, that the City of Constantinople
is exceedingly prejudiced thereby; there is no like[unr]hood
as yet of any Accommodation betwixt him and the
Grand Seignior; and none can imagine how that business
will end.
The Count Sentinelli, Steward of the Houshold to Christina.
Queen of Sweden, died some few days ago in this
Another from vienna, March 5.
It is uncertian what time the Archduke intends to return
to Inspruck, some say because the Courier sent to Spain must
return first hither, to bring from thence full order concerning
the Government of the Spanish Neatherlands.
Two dayes agoearived here a Turkish Aga, negotiating for
a confirmation of peace, and a setling of the new Transylvanian
It doth continue that the Bassa of Aleppo hath given a defeat
to the Prime Visier. The Venetian Ambassador here
resident made a particular relation of it few dayes agoe to this
Imperial Majesty.
Three dayes agoe the Proposition to the state was opned.
The Imperial Vice Chancellor Count Curtz is fallen sick.
An extract of the Emperors Proposition to the States
declared on the 3 of March 1658.
1. His Imperial Majesty requesteth the States of Neather
Austria to consent to a double payment of subsidie, for this
yeare, or if that cannot fully be brought in, to a certain summe
of money for the soldiers, that lye in Raab and other corporations
on the Frontiers, also 2 months subsidie for the German
Forces at Raab, and the discharge of the personal engagements
of Colonel Don Lewis Gonzaga.
2. That they would continue to maintain the Walterish,
Walish and Furstenburgish Horse; the 3 Compaignes of
Gonzaga, and the 150 personal entertainments under Gonzaga,
and the Commissaries of Warr that lye there and the
old Arrears, as long as the State of the present times, and
occasions shall require, and send them in ready money to
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