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Mercurius politicus, Number 559, 17th-24th March 1659 E.195[33]

Hungary to the Walterish Regiment and to pay them according
to the ordinance of the summs and rates of the Country,
as it hath been usually done hitherto. They are to maintain
also the seven new leavied Companies of Gonzaga, and the
Wallish and Furstenburgish RĂ©cruits. And to provide Quarter
for them, and the Quarters to be assigned alike, so that the
trained men may be immediately accomodated, and the moneys
for entertainment may instantly be delivered to the Captains
from the time of their Commissions granted to them for
leavying of men.
3. That they would allow another free subsidie to help to
bear his Imperial Majestyes expences in the Warr, and towards
the procuring of necessaries for the Frontiers of Hungary,
and for the maintaining of the Emperors Ambassadors
abroad, and entertainment of Forrain Ambassadors at home, so
that all in the City and the Jews (except the Clergy) that are
18 years old, shall pay one rix-gilder, but those in the Country
are to pay one gilder at two tearms: the one at St. John
Baptists day, the other rat Michaelmas.
4. His Imperial Majesties request is also, that 10000
Hogsheads of Wine for his Table, be brought in with all
expedition, 1000 quarters of Corne, and as much of
From Marienburgh, March 5.
When his Highness Prince Adolph marched hence on the
22 of February S. V. and met with little opposition in his
march on the other side of the Wisel, and passed unexpectedly
upon the necks of many, which little dreamed then of the
Swedes. Thus His Highness (not being opposed by the Enemie)
came on the 29 of January S. V. to Hamerstein, where
he got intelligence of General Lieutenant Wurtz his forces.
Thereupon his Highness went two leagues back, to joyn
the next morning with the said Wurtz his forces one league
distant from the village Henrickswald, and in their coming
back they marched to Conitz where they took out the garrison
that lay in, and by Sweez they marched over the Wisel,
and arrived here safely back; but in their way back they encountred
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