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Mercurius politicus, Number 559, 17th-24th March 1659 E.195[33]

From Amsterdam, 20 March.
The Lords States of Holland and West-Friezland have begun
again their meeting.
We hear that the Spanish Ambassador intimated to their
Lordships, that the Spanish army in Gallicia, under the Command
of the Marquess of Viana, hath caused the Portugez
army which came to relieve Monson to retreat, and that the
Portugez have lost some hundreds, because they Knew not
that Monson was already in the Spanish power; by which
means they were surprised.
We hear that from England, order is sent to the Resident
Monsieur Downing, to confer with the Lords states General
about the ways and means, whereby the two Northern Kings
may be brought to an agreement; so that by this means the
trading through the Sound into the East sea may have its free
course. Wherhter this will be to any effect, yea, or no, time
will shew.
It is reported, that the Swedish made an assault upon the
Island Femeren, but were manfully repulsed. But of this there
is no certainty. It is thought that the Fleet appo[unr]
Denmark will be ready within a fortnight.
The Heads of the Articles made for the Cessation of Arms
betwixt the King of Sweden, and the great Duke of
1. THat there shall be no Hostilities, but that all Offices
of Friendship and mutual Amity shall be excercised
betwixt the said great Lords and their Subjects, during this
Truce or Cessation of Arms, and that neither party shall directly
or indirectly act any Prejudice to the other.
2 That all Prisoners which have been taken on either side,
shall be set at liberty without Paying ransom.
3. That there shall be a freedom of Commerce betwixt
both Nations, in the same manners heretofore.
4. That neither party, shall in any wise what soever, directly
or indirectly, send or supply to the enemies of either, and
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