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Mercurius politicus, Number 559, 17th-24th March 1659 E.195[33]

especially to the King of Poland, any provision, men, money;
or other help, and relief whatsoever.
5. It is agreed also, that such persons as the King of Sweden
shall send to the Great Duke, or the Great Duke to him,
with the Ratification of this Truce, shall have full power and
Instructions to treat of and conclude betwixt the said great
Lords, a more strict League against the present King of Poland,
if it shall by both be thought meet so to do.
6. That it shall be lawful for both parties, if they please,
during the term of this Truce, to enter into a Treaty for the
making of a perpetual peace betwixt the said great Lords, by
Ambassadors to be employed on both sides to that purpose;
and that neither of them shall resume Arms against one another,
without notice first given thereof.
Westminster, Monday March 21
Sir Anthony Ashley Cooper acquainted the House that on Saturday
last in the afternoon, which was as soon as they could be dispensed
with from the service of the House. The Members formerly appointed,
and himself, in obedience to the command and order of the House,
went to visit Mr Speaker Chaloner Chute at his House in the Country;
That they found him very much indisposed in his health and very infirme;
That he was much troubled he could not attend the service
of the House; That it was a very great reviving and comfort to
him to find the House take him into their care and thoughts, and to
send some or their Members to visit him, for which he desired his most
humble Thanks might be presented to the House, and that they might
be acquainted, that he values their service higher then his own life
and that whensoever they shall command him. he will wait on them,
and did assure them that as soon as ever his health will permit, and that
by advice from his physicians he may do it with safety, he will return
to the service of the House, and prayed that in the meane time. the
House would continue their favor towards him, and dispense with his
The House according to former Order resumed and proceeded in
the Debate concerning the sitting of Members retorned for Scotland;
and upon the Question Resolved,
That the Members returned to serve for Scotland, shall continue
to sit as Members during this present Parliament.
Tuesday , March 22
upon a Report from the Committee of Elections and Priviledges of
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