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Mercurius politicus, Number 559, 17th-24th March 1659 E.195[33]

Upon a further Report from the Committee of Elections and Priviledges,
of the state of the case concerning the right of Election of
Burgesses to serve in Parliament for the Burrough of Colch. ster in the
County of Essix. The House
Resolved, That the Election of John shaw Esq; and Abraham Johnson
Merchant by the free Burgesses of the said Burrough of Colch ster
is a good Election, and that they ought to fit as Members in this present
Parliament And the Sheriff of the County of Essex is ordered to amend
the Retorn of his Writ, as to the Election for Culckester accordingly.
The House Resolved, That the Matter of the Debate tomorrow
Morning shall be concerning the fitting of the Irish Members.
Wednesday 23. March, 1658.
upon a Report from the Committee of Elections and Priviledges
concerning the Election of Burgesses for the Burrough of Haslemore in
the County of surry. The House Resloved,
That John westbrook Esq; being elected by the Major part of such
as have votes in the Election of Burgesses to serve in Parliament for
the Burrough of Hastemore in the County of Surry, was duly Elected,
and ought to have been retorned to serve as a Burgess in the said Parliament
for the said Burrough, and that John Hook Esq; is unduly retorned
to serve for the said Burrough; and they further Resolved.
That the Indenture by which Henry fitz James Esq. And Mr. John
Hook are retorned, be amended by the Bayliff of the said Burrough at
the Bar of the House, and that the name of Mr John Hook be put out,
and the name of John West brook Esq be inserted and put into the said
Indenture instead there of And the Clerk of the Commonwealth in
Chancery is ordered to attend with the Bailiff of the said Burrough at
the Bar of the House, with the aforesaid Indenture and the Writ
wherewith it is retorned, to amend the said Indenture accordingly.
According to former order the House took into Debate the
matter concerning the sitting of the Irish Members, and Resolved.
That the Members retorned[unr] serve for Ireland shall continue
to sit us Members in this present Parliament.
Whitehall, March 23
Advise is come, that the Lord General Mountagut is arrived at
Sale-Bey intending to put forth to sea with the fleet with the first
London, Printed by tho. Newcomb in Thames-Street over-against
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