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Mercurius politicus, Number 606, 2nd-9th February 1660 E.195[53]

great Acts of State which have passed, and the Interest contended
for since 1648. What the consequence of such a thing
will be, is obvious enough, and therefore they have not hither
to previled in the design of handling their paper, which
is carried on by men of several parties, and such as though in
other things they jarr, yet can complie and understand one
another in this; and we sufficiently understand what they
would be at.
But they are so wife, as to stay a little, and look
what weather will be abroad, before they stir further. If
they do precipitate, you shall have an account of their next motions.
From Dantzick, Jan. 17.
The Emperors Deputies have declared themselves at the
Treaty of Peace, which is here managed betwixt Poland and
Sweden, that they will accept of the French-Mediation, in
case the Swedes will admit also the Spanish Mediation.
Westminster, Thursday 2 Febr.
Mr. Speaker according to former Order of Parliament, did this day before
the sitting of the House deliver several Commissions to Officers of the Army
To Col. Richard Mosse his commission to be Colonel of a Regiment of Foot.
To Robert Suckert his commission to be Captain Lieutenant of the said
To Nicholas Andrews his to be Lieutenant Colonel.
To Thomas Higgs His to be Major.
To cap. William Galhampton
To cap. Henry Orispe
To Cap. William Lockley
To Cap. Thomas Rumbolue
To Cap. Richard Boone
Their commissions to be captains of several companies in the said Regiment.
And also commissions to divers Lieutenants and Ensigns of the said Regiment.
To Lieu Col. John Mill his commission to be Lieutenant colonel of Col. Lenthals
To Major Robert Lewson his commmission to be Major of the same Regiment.
[unr] Speaker having taken the Chair, the House proceeded in the busi[unr] House.
[unr] passed the Act constituting a Committee for the Army and Trea[unr]
which is ordered to be Printed and Published.
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