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Mercurius politicus, Number 606, 2nd-9th February 1660 E.195[53]

The House also passed the Act for constituting commissioners for the better
ordering and managing the affairs of the Admiralty and Navy; which is ordered
to be Printed and Published.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Commissioners for ordering and managing
the affairs of the Navy, to present to the Parliament the names of four
persons, out of which, the Parliament may elect two to be Treasurers of the
Ordered, That the Committee for the Army be impowred to pay unto the
Others and Soldiers in Col. Twisletons Regiment, late Col. Fitches, and to the
Officers and Soldiers of Col. Lenthals Regiment, late col. Markhams, formerly
Col. Sydenhams, now to be drawn out of Town, one moneths pay, as to
the rest of the Officer and Soldiers which are to be drawn out of Town.
The House had under consideration the case of several persons, who lately
struck Tallies or received money out of the publick Revenue; who are Ordered
forthwith to repay such moneys so received.
The House had under consideration the business of the Post Office, and referred
it to a Committee to examine matter of fact, and report the same with
their Opinion to the House.
Ordered, That the Plate in the custody of the Committee appointed to take
care of the Goods belonging to the Commonwealth, in Whitehal and Hampton
Court, be forthwith sold, and the money raised thereby to go towards the payment
of the Army, which is to be paid by them into the publick Treasury of
the Exchequer, to the use of the Army accordingly.
It is ordered, That the Committee of the Army, and Committee of the
Navy, be and are enjoyned to fit this afternoon,
The House appointed to take up the debate upon the Bill, touching Qualifications
tomorrow morning, and ordered, That all Judges, Members of Parliament,
and all others Members of Parliament, then to give their attendance
on the service of the Parliament.
The House ordered that the Committee for Plundred Ministers should forbear
to fit this afternoon, and authorised the said committee to fit tomorrow in the
Friday 3 Feb.
Mr. Speaker according to order, did before the fitting of the House, deli[unr]r
Commissions to Officers of the Army, viz.
To Lieut. Col. Styles his Commission to be Lieutenant Colonel of Col. George
Fleetwoods Regiment of Foot.
To capt. Arthur Chaloner
To capt. Benjamin Gifford
To capt. Richard Bolt
with others to the inferior Officers of the said Regiment
To capt. John Buck his commission to be captain of a company of Foot in
Col. Lenthals Regiment.
And Commissions to Captain Samuel Rose, for himself and others, to be officers
for the Isle of Man.
The Speaker was authorised to figti such Letters as shall be prepared by the
Committee of the Army in usual form, to be sent to the commissioners for
Assessment in the Respective Counties for quickning the bringing in of the
The House had under consideration the Sallaries of the Judges of the Courts
of Admiralty and Probate of wills, and appointed the same, and Ordered
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