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Mercurius politicus, Number 606, 2nd-9th February 1660 E.195[53]

From Riga, 9 Jan.
The Polanders have lately plundered, by night the Coun[unr]rey
people, because about Bubts, two leagues from hence,
some Polanders were knockt down, and they suspected that
these had done it.
Yesterday four Polanders were brought in prisoners,
which relate, that the Moscovite have had repulses in two
several storms before Grodna, with the lots of many of their
men, which caused them to march off toward Breshe, the
Polanders are following after. It [unr]s hard Winter with us,
and the Countrey all covered with deep S[unr]w: so that
though men may travel in fleds, yet few will hazard it.
From Rostock, Jan. 20.
Yesterday came in hither Ammunition Waggons, which
are to carry away the Spades, Pickaxes, Boots and Shooes
which the Emperors Officers have bought. The Prince Elector
of Brandenburg hath published an Edict at Bateth in
Pomerania, requiring all Gentlemen of those parts to return
home to their Lands and houses; to see the Fields manured
and tilled, upon pain of losing their Tenures of Estate; promising
to the returners protection. The Imperialists strive
to take into contribution the whole Territory which belongs
to Wismar. Bukaws jurisdiction have agreed for a piece of
Money, which must be paid within two moneths, or else
they are to suffer for it,
From Wismar, 21 Jan.
We had divers Letters from Sea, dated the 13 of January,
which intimate, that our King, the King of Sweden, was
arrived at Gottenburgh, and honourably received by the
States. He hath given Order, that divers Regiments of Horse
and Foot, under the command of the Rix-Artillery Master
Gustave Horn should march toward Norway; and the said
Letters put us in hopes of a peace with De[unr]mark.
At Malmo, five of the prisoners kept in hold there, have
been he headed, whose heads are set on poles. The Lord
Vlefield lyeth still in silence; his Lady appears in the Court,
answering all things laid to his charge.
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