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Mercurius politicus, Number 606, 2nd-9th February 1660 E.195[53]

From Rome, 10. Jan,
The Queen of Sweden hath had audience before the Pope,
earnestly desiring his Holiness intercession, that a period
might be put to the War in Pomerania, She had onely this
Answer from the Pope, but a good one, That she should have
allowed monthly out of his Chequer 3000 Crowns during
the time the receives no revenue from Pomerania.
The Pope gave assurance at Collen by his Nuntio; that a
great sum of Money shall be employed in England, Scotland,
and Ireland, to the end that Charles may be restored,
who (we believe) hath declared himself to be of the Catholick
Church. News from Lisbon is brought, that 1700
Foot were arrived there, which came of the Portugez Islands,
and 800 German Horse which came from Hamborough,
to be imployed in the defensive War against Spain.
From Frankfort, Jan. 28.
The King of France having some time since sent a Letter
to the Deputies of the Empire here assembled, wherein he
declared, That in case the Emperour cannot be prevailed
on to draw his Forces off from Pomerania, he would at
Spring espouse the Swedish quarrel, and endeavour to constrain
himto a better observance of the Munster Treaty,
(wherein he as well as we [unr] deeply concerned.) The Deputies
have not as yet thought fit to enter into deliberation
concerning the said Letter; but have concluded first to send
Copies thereof to all those Deputies of the Empire which are
absent, that they may have their Answers thereupon, before
they proceed further.
In the Interim, the Emperour continueth sending several
Forces towards Westphalia, under pretence of constraining
Munster to obedience to their Bishop, according to the Determination
made in the Chamber Imperi[unr] But this march
of theirs gives jealousie to the neighbour States and Princes,
forasmuch as the said Bishop hath declared, That at present
he hath no heed to make use of such Forces.
Since this, we are advertised, that now they intend to take
their Quarters a little while in the Countrey of Brunswick
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