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Mercurius politicus, Number 606, 2nd-9th February 1660 E.195[53]

and Lunenbourg, and that the Emperour will send them into
to the Estates of the Allied Princes, to take them off, it
may be, from the Alliance which they have made with
France and Sweden.
An Advertisement.
UUpon Ludgate-Hill at the Sun and Rain-bow, dwelleth
one Richard Bailey, who maketh O[unr] C[unr]o[unr]th [unr] German way, and is a so very
skilful in the Art of Oyling of Linnen Cloath or Taffaty, or Wooling of
either, so as to make it Impe[unr]etrable, that no wet or weather can enter. Where
also is made INDIA G [unr] of [unr]es.
Westminster Monday, Feb. 6. 1659.
Ordered, That [unr] be referred to the Council of Stat[unr] nominate and appoint
three Serjeants to go with the rest of the Judges the Lent Circuit.
Ordered, That in regard of Sir Henry Vane his indisposition of Health, the
Serjeant at Armes be, and is hereby dispensed with for carrying Sir Henry Vane
into the Country until this day sevennight.
The House received a Report from the Commissioners of the Admiralty and
Navy, with an estimate of the Debts of the Navy, to the first of this instant February,
and of the growing charges of the ensuing Summers service.
Resolved, That the Receipts of the Customes and Excise, saving so much of
the same as shall pay the Judges Salaries, and other payments already charged
in these Receipts, shall go, and is chiefly appropriated and appointed for the use
of the Navy.
Resolved, That the Profits of the Admiralty Court, and of the Probate of
Wills, saving so much as shall pay the Salary of the Judges of those two Courts,
and excepting what other payments are already charged thereupon, shall go, and
is hereby appropriated and appointed for the use of the Navy.
Resolved, That all such profits as shall be duly made to the Commonwealth
by the Office of Custos Brevium, shall go and be applyed to the use of the Navy.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Commissioners for the Admiralty and Navy,
to take care the Office of Custos Brevium be improved for the best advantage
of the Commonwealth; and they are hereby impowred to improve the same for
the best advantage of the Commonwealth accordingly
Ordered, That it be referred to the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy
to examine the yearly value of all Ministerial Offices of profit, which now
are, or hereafter shall be in the disposal of the Commonwealth, and report their
opinion therein to the Parliament; and that the profits arising thereby shall go,
and be i[unr]loyed for the used of the Navy.
Ordered, That the Books of the Admiralty formerly delivered to the Clerk
of the Parliament, be by him re-delivered back to the Commissioners for the
Admiralty and Navy.
Ordered, That Mr. Millington be and is hereby enjoyned to make the report in
his hand, touching the Engagement on Thursday morning next.
Ordered, That the House do on Thursday morning next take into consideration,
persons to be appointed Commissioners for the Government of Scotland, and of
persons to be appointed Judges there.
Ordered, That Mr. Stanley be and is hereby approved to be Chaplaine to Col.
Eyre his Regiment.
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