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Mercurius politicus, Number 606, 2nd-9th February 1660 E.195[53]

in Act for the settlement of the Estates of Adventures and Souldiers there, which
I heard you intended to have done in a [unr] days; and I presume it will be quickly
done, being so necessary at this time, when the wants of the Common wealth call
for supplies, and people will unwillingly pay Taxes for those Estates of which they
have no Legal Assurance. I need not tell you how much your favour was abused
in the Nomination of your Officers of your Army there; their Malice hath been
sufficiently manifested: I dare affirm that those now that have declared for you,
wil con[unr]inue fai[unr]hfull, and thereby evince, that as well there as here, it is the sober
Interest that must establish your Dominion.
As for Scotland I must say the people of that Nation deserve much to be cherished;
and I believe your late D[unr]claration will much glad thier Spirits; for
nothing was more dreadfull to them, then a fear to be over-run with Phanatique
I humbly recommend them to your Aff[unr]ction and Esteem, and desire the intended
Act of Union may be prosecuted, and their T x[unr]s made proportionable to those
in England, for which I am engaged by promise to b an humble Suitor to you.
And truly, Sir, I must ask leave to entreat you to make a speedy provision for their
Civil Government, of which they have been destitute near a year, to the ruine of
many Families; and except Commissioners for management of the Government,
and Judges to sit in Courts of Judicature be speedily appointed, that Country will
be very miserable. I directed Mr. Gumble la ely to present to you some Names,
both of Commissioners and Judges: but by reason of your great Affairs, he was
not required to deliver them in writing to you, but I now humbly present them to
your Consideration.
Tuesday Feb.7. 1659.
The House approved of [unr] Sneaton to be Chirurgeon to Coll. Lenthall
Regiment: and of Roger-Payae, to be Quartermaster thereof.
It is ordered that the Speaker do, acco[unr]ding to former order, deliver Commissions
to the Officers of the Regiment of Coll. Lenthall.
A Bill for the great Seal of Scotland was this day passed.
Also a Bill for the great Seal of Ireland was this day passed.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Council of State, to take care, and give
order that the great Seals of Scotland and Ireland be so thwith made and paid for
The House this day passed an Additional Act for Sequestrations; which is
ordered to be Printed and published.
Ordered, That the Parliament do on Friday morning next, take into consideration
the cases of the Members of Parliament, against whom some matters
have been objected, the first business, nothing to intervene.
Wednesday, Feb. 8.
Ordered, That the Protection formerly g[unr]anted to Sir Andrew Dick fot six
moneths, be, and is hereby continued for six moneths longer, and that Mr. Speaker
do signe the said Protection accordingly.
A List of the Names of the Officers in Coll. Smithson's Regiment, late Coll.
Lilburn's Regiment, was read, and every Officer was assented unto, and approved;
and it was ordered that Commissions be prepared for them accordingly.
These Lists also following were reported.
A List of the names of Officers of Coll. Thomas Saunders [unr] Regiments
A List of Coll. Nathaniel Whetham's Regiment.
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