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Mercurius politicus, Number 613, 22nd-29th March 1660 E.195[59]

where order will be taken to finish the Citadel which is a
building, for the bridling of that mutinous and unruly people;
in the mean while, a Court of Justice is at work retry
the chief Mutineers, being quickned thereto by his [unr]nencie,
how went thither before the king to established.
Whitchall March 24.
In the first place we must correct a mistake whiele was
printed in one of our former; wherein mention was made
of one thing, as if it had been a particul[unr] contained in the
Act for dissoluton of the Parliament (viz) that if any man
shall presume to stand elected, he not being duly qualified, be
shall undergo the penalty of a Thousand pounds;)[unr] Render
is to take notice, that the inserting of this Clause in the
Pamphlen was upon a mistake, there being no such thing expressed
in the said Act.
Another mistake also was committed touching the day assigned
for the Election of Knights to serve in Parliament for
the County of Middlesex, which was said to be appointed
on the Sixth of April, but now the certain time appointed
for the said Election is Thursday the Fifth day of April, at
On Monday the 26. instant, will be the Election of Knights
for Yorkshire. On Tuesday the 27, the Members of Parliament
for the City of London are to be Elected; and on Wednesday
the 28. those of the City of Westminster.
Out of Kent it is certified, That at Camerburry they
have already mace their Election, and chosen Sir Anthony
Ager, and Heneage Finch Esquire, of the Temple, a person,
whose Learning in the Law, and Eloquence at the Bar, is not
sufficiently to be commended.
The Sum of what is remarkable in the last Letters from
France is that a match hath been propounded betwixt the
Prince of Florence, and the daughter of the second bed of
the Duke of Orleans, but the consideration of it hath been
put off, till after the consummation of the Kings Marriage,
That the King is returned from Marseilles to Aix, to proceed
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