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Mercurius politicus, Number 613, 22nd-29th March 1660 E.195[59]

or persons, contriving, aubising, or prosecuting any
design, or endeavor to the purposes aforecaio, forthwith to
ceize and cecure every such person and persons, and him,
and them, to bring or [unr] in custody to the Councel of
State, to answer the same: slow alv[unr], the Councel
have reason to hope, That they person somernew in the
Safety and publick Interest of the Dation, will be thereby
suficiently chitged to utscober and bring to convign
punishment all Dttensiers in this kinde; yet for the be Net
encouragement of all whom this may concern, to be faithful
to that Duty which they [unr]me to their Countries
Peace, the Council doth verthy Declare and Promise,
That for every person, who upon Due proof to be mane,
shall appear to haire aded under the name of an AGITATOR,
or otherwise, for the misethiehous ends and
purposes aforesaid, there shall be allowed, and paid out of
the Publick Treasure of this Commonwealth, the sum
of Ten Pounds, to the Dssicer or Dssicers, Soldier or Soldiers,
who shall discover, and bring or send in custody,
to the Council, any such person as aforesaid. And
all Desisters, Military and civil are required upon request
made in that behalf, to be aiding and assisting in the
apprehending, securing, and bringing in custody, to the
council, all and they person and persons who may be
fully charged with the Crimes aforesaid. And the Chief
Officers of the respect the Regiments, Croops, and
Companies, of the Army, are required forthwith, after
it shall come to their bands, to cause this proclamation
to be published in the dead of their regiments, Croops,
and Companies, to the intent the same may be better
taken notice of, and put man the more effectual Crecution.
Clerk of the Council.
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