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Mercurius politicus, Number 613, 22nd-29th March 1660 E.195[59]

to retreat and do nothing: wherefore by their advice he wrote a Letters to the
Count of Dona, Governour of Orange, to Orange, to signifie his resolution to reduce the
place, and to require him to yield it; and tis said he had the offer of a sum
of money in recompense, but that we cannot say; only thus the News is, That
the Governor hath yielded up the place at the desire of his Majesty, and that
his majesty hath sent the Sieur de Gaule to make an Inventor, of the Artillery
and Amunition, that when the young Prince of Orange shall come to
be of Age, the place may be restored to him in the same condition as it is received.
So it Seems his Majesty intends to keep it till then.
The Chevalier Paul is to command the Fleet which lieth at Toulon to transport
the 6000. men, which are to be a succour to the Venetians.
The King of Spain having sent to advertise this Court, that he was resolved to
setfor[unr]d toward the Frontire before all the preparations for the journey can be
finished, to the end that he may avoid the multitudes which design to attend him.
And having desired his Majesty to do the like, his Majesty thereupon hath sent
hither the Chancellor, to let all persons of quality understand, who purposed to
have attended him in the journey, that they should forbear, upon peril of disobedience.
This is done to comply with the humour of the Spaniard, who seeth,
that otherwise he should be exceedingly out-vied by a numerous and splendid
app[unr]ance of the Subjects of France at the Marriage.
Monsieur colbert went hence on Saturday with the Cloaths of the king and
Queen, and the other necessary Ornaments against the Wedding, which will be
a little later then was intended, because the interview is put off till the 5th. of
May, stylo novo.
A compleat list of the officers of the Six Regiments of the
Trained Bands of the City of London.
Green Regiment.
Col. John Robinson Alder.
Lieut. Col. Ralph Taske[unr]r.
Serj. Maj. James Hinstanley.
Captains. William Keene.
Nicholas Smith.
William Bancks.
Edw. Lightfool Cap.Lieut.
Edward Knightly.
Edmond Perwich.
Roger Crook.
Henry Stoad.
William Die.
Richard Clowdester.
Francis wilson.
Isaac Dunn.
William Tiverton.
John Iurin jun.
James Seclty.
Red Regiment.
Col. Anthony Batcman Ald.
Lieut. Col. William Eardley
Serj. Maj. Abraham Stanvon
Captains. Ireuas Locks
John Swale
Paul Dobie
Edward Quick
Richard Cox Captain Licut.
Thomas Fomks
John Milton junior
Thomas Abraball
Peter Smith
Roger Ive
George Cor
Robert Alsop
Adams Willis
Thomas Lingard
John Bellamy
William Woodward
John Wybord
Joseph Surbat
White Regiment.
Col. William Wale Aid.
Lieut. Col. John Taylor
Se[unr]. Maj. John Greenbill
Captains. John Cook
John Steventon
William M[unr]ffen
Robert Hudson
Nich. Coreter Capt. Leut.
Obadiah Hewerton
John King
Edward Symons
Nathaniel Brook
John Young
Richard Chapman
Thomas Cullans
Thomas Blagrave
James Damask
Robert Wei[unr]stead
William Strange
William Brigh[unr]
Tho. Chamberlain Jun.
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