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Mercurius politicus, Number 278, 4th-11th October 1655 E.489[3]

their work in giving satisfaction to the Souldiery. Col:
Stubbers Lot is in the Liberty of and about Kilkenny, within
the City excepted. The Council yesterdy were to remove
from Kilkenny to Waterford, and from thence to Waxford,
in order to see how the Soldiers in those Counties are satisfied,
and to redress what grivance; shall be presented unto
them: And about a week hence, if not next Saturday, they
are expected at Dublin. It was the opinion of some, that
the disbanded Souldiers would not be contented; but the
discreet carriage and wise behaviour of the Lord Henry Cromwel,
hath given them such content, that they are all very
well satisfied.
From Paris, October 8. stilo novo.
The return of the King to this City, which it was supposed
would have been last week, is now deferred to the end of this
Cardinal Mazarin having sent for another Nephew, and
Neice of his out of Italy, whose names are Alphonso and
Ann Manchini, brother and sister to he D[unr]chess of Mercocur.
They are arrived here last week, after they had made
some stay by the way at Avignon.
News is brought hither of a Battel fought between the
Kings of Sweden and Poland, and all Letters agree that the
Swede hath had a great Victory, many being flain, most
taken prisons, and all the Baggage.
The Letters out of Flanders say, their Forces are divided
into three Bodies; the first commanded by Archduke Leopold
in person: the second, by the Prince of Conde: and the
third, by the Count of Fuensaldagne, who continue yet in
their old Quarters.
The last from Guise saith, that Cardinal Mazarin was departed
thence, to return to La Fere, having made good the
Passage of a Convoy of 1200 Carts to Landrecie, without
any imped[unr]ment, and given order to prepare another Convoy
more considerable.
The Let[unr]rs from Rome Say, that the Progress made by
the King of Sweden in Poland, hath given such an Alarm to
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