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Mercurius politicus, Number 279, 11th-18th October 1655 E.489[5]

with the loss of about 800 men; who thereupon desired a
Cessation of Arms for some days, to inform themselves of
their Kings true state and condition, that they might know
whether their standing out against us, might probably be to
any purpose; which was granted them. His Majesty of Sweden
is expected again at Warshaw, having resigned the Command
of his Army again to General Wittenberg, who is now
fully recovered of his health.
A Letter hath been written by the Lord Tweeddale a Scotish
Lord to his Highness, upon occasion of a Pamphlet that was
published a while since, wherein the said Tweeddale's name
was mentioned, which Pamphlet was entituled, [A short
Discovery of his Highness the Lord Protectors Intentions
touching the Anabaptists in the Army, upon which there are
35. Queries propounded for his Highness to answer, &c.
The Letter followeth as it was written.
May it please Your Highness;
Amongst the bad Accidents of my Life (as who can exeeme
himself) I account it not a small one, that my name is used to
a Forgery, wherein many bitter expressions is cast upon your
Highness, and the present Government; and though God hes
raised your thoughts above the consideratione of such, that
possibly it neither hes, nor should come to your knowledge, bot
for my boldness in the way I take to vindicate my self, and
bear testimony agains such ane untreuth, as is containned in a
printed Paper, relating a Discourse of your Highness to me, the
falshood of the thing being sufficiently known to your Highness.
All I say for my self is, that if I had bein a persone, to
whom your Highness had communicat any purpose of importance,
in reference to the Government, I hold not have bein so
unworthy of your favour, as to have divulged it without your
Highness order or[unr]licens, much less to the prejudice of the
pace, and quiet of the peopel, or fomenting the jealousies of
any And beseech your Highness to give this charity to my
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