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Mercurius politicus, Number 279, 11th-18th October 1655 E.489[5]

discretione, or good consciens I desire to kip towards all men,
and likeways excuse the presumptione of
Your Highness
Most dutiful and humble
Sept. 22.
London, Octob. 8.
By Letters from Roven dated October 13. stilo novo, they
advise, That there was a Declaration made by the Admiral of
France, for the clearing of all English Ships and Goods accepted
in any parts of France.
From Rome, 25 Sept.
The former Popes, having for the building of the costly
Church of St. Peter, diverted to that use divers Legacies left
in time past for the relief of some poor. His Holiness in consideration,
that the said building is neer brought to an end, and
in compassion of the poor beggers, which are not few in this
City, hath published by a Bull, That the said Legacies shall
be restored to their first use, according to the Testators intent,
and shall no more be employed for the like buildings of
Churches. He hath also sent Letters to all Patriarchs, Archbishops
and Bishops, wherein he declares his intent and undertaking
for the general Peace.
From Dantzick, 1 October.
The Elector of Brandenburgh hath set up his Standard at
Marienburgh, and hath since passed over the Wayssel his Carriages
and Baggage, with 72 peeces of Ordnance, and mustered
his Leagure, which is found to be of 120[unr] men.
From Elseneur in Denmark, the second.
The six Holland Men of War do ride here still, and the
King, expecting no more help from the States, that he may
be able to provide against the danger of the time hath set an
impost of high sums upon all persons in his dominions, which
will bring in moneys good store out of Denmark, Norway,
and Holstein, the Clergy not being excepted. The High
Steward of the Kingdom, hath already given fifty thousand
Rixdollers for his share, and ordinary Citizens are to contribute
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