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Mercurius politicus, Number 279, 11th-18th October 1655 E.489[5]

fifty Rixdollars: There are also new Monopolies erected,
and a Salt-Company to take eighteen Rixdollars for every
Last of Salt, and others are to exact after the same rate
upon other Commodities: There are also certain ships duties
to be paid; and the money so raised, is pretended to be for
the defence of the Country, when there shall be occasion.
His Majesties Proclamation was published this day, to invite
his Subjects to a free Contribution, with his Royal Promise
of Restitution, engaging his Crown for it, in case there shall
be no use of that Treasury.
From Vienna, 1 Octob.
The Imperial Court hath been informed, That the Swedes
have gotten a Signal victory against the King of Poland, after
which, the City of Cracovia surrendered to the Conqueror:
So many of all qualities and conditions, that we cannot express
the number, do take their flight from Poland hither,
chiefly those of the Order of the Jesuites, though there be
great robbing upon the way; so that it seems there is a general
rout in that Land. It is not yet known, whether the Emperor
will declare for the assistance of that Crown, or not, being
not certain what is become of the King, who they say here,
is taken prisoner. This Land is so emptied of Soldiers, that
his Imperial Majesty hath been forced to demand leave of
the Electors to go on in his new Levies in their Dominions,
which is not like to be granted by the most part of them.
From Colen, 12 Octob. S.N.
The King of Scots is daily expected here from Franckfort,
with his sister the Princess of Orange, being already departed
from thence; near which City, it is said, they have had a
meeting with the Queen Christina, who did ride through that
Town, as well as this, without alighting out of her Coach,
making hast to Saffemburgh. The Palsgrave, or Elector of
Heidelbergh, met with her Majesty at Koningsteen, and is
since gone back to Heidelbergh.
From the Hague, 15 Octob.
The Assembly of the Lords States of Holland, being ended
for some time; We are informed from Amsterdam, that there
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