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Mercurius politicus, Number 279, 11th-18th October 1655 E.489[5]

The Prince Elector spent his time in other visits all that
day, and came not home till twelve a clock at night, as one
of his followers told my man the next day.
Yesterday the Prince Elector went back to Heidelberg, and
this day Charls Stuart, the Princess Royal his sister, and his
Brotner the Duke of Gloucester, with Monsier Heenflet the
Lady Stanhops husband, are gone by water to Mentz. At
their departure the Souldiers were in arms, and gave them
two Vollies of shot, and some Canon was fired from the walls.
I find not that their conversation here hath made them commendable
to any so much as to the English Stage-players, who
stile themselves to be his.
The meeting of the Deputies here is begun; the Proposition
was made the 15 of this moneth, Three matters are offered
to be considered:
1. Concerning the Restitution of that which by vertue of
the Act of oblivion is to be restored.
2. Concerning the way of executing decrees, and setling
of security within and without the Empire.
3. Concerning Ordinances of Government, how they
should be settled and brought to a due observance.
Since the proposal of these matters, nothing hath been done
by reason of a contest for precedency between the Weimarish
and another Ambassador.
The Queen of Sweden is said to go by the way of Firl into
Italy, to be here again in the Spring.
This is all which at present is occurrent.
Whitehal, Octob. 11.
Order was given for releasing divers prisoners, upon security
by them given, &c. out of Lambeth-house.
Octob. 12. This sayes Letters out of Holland do certifie
that the sickness doth decrease there. Also, that the Collections
made in that Province for the poor persecuted Protestants
in the Vallies of Piedmont, are forthwith to be sent unto them.
The Reserve and Winsby Frigots, being returned from
Newfound Land to Plimouth in company with twenty Vessels
that had made their Voyages there, gave an account of
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