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Mercurius politicus, Number 286, 29th November-5th December 1655 E.491[3]

had advice that the said Duke Hath been under-hand solicited
by the Emperor, to make a strong league with the estates
of the said province, and with some other provinces of Poland
that have not yet absolutely declared themselves for the Swede;
he hath had advise likewise, that the said Duke hath sent a
distinct Body of an Army towards Thoren, to hinder there
the irruption of the Swedes and another Body towards Memmel
upon the Frontires of Lithuania, while the remainder of
his Army continues in the heart of Prussia.
From Stockholm, October 18
The Senators of this Kingdom are very busie in putting
in Execution those things that were resolved on in out last
diet; particularly, about the resuming of those Lordships and
Revenues, which had by the lade Queen been alienated from
the Crown, so that by this means the Kings Revenue will be
much augmented.
It is ordered, that prayers and Supplications be made in
all Churches for the Queen, who being with child is near the
time of delivery.
From Warsovia November 1.
Upon the taking of Cracovia, there marched out 3000 men
who were conducted to the frontires of S[unr]sia, where they
have leave for a Months time to refresh themselves, and they
are to goe to the King of Poland, if they please, or else to
list themselves in the Swedish Army.
The in habitants Cracovia have agreed to pay [unr]00000.
Rix dollars in a months time, to the Ling of sweden. His
Majesty having put things in order at Cracovia, department
thence, to goe to wards Generall [unr]bmielniski, General of the
Cossacks, who hath submitted and is at this time encamped before
Lublin with 20000 men, and is shortly afterwards to repair
to this City, to assist at a generall diet of the Palatins and
other Lords of this Kingdom, which is Summoned by his said
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