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Mercurius politicus, Number 286, 29th November-5th December 1655 E.491[3]

Majesty, who hath appointed Count Erick Oxenstiern,
grant Chancelor of Sweden, with Count Benedict, oxenstiern,
and the Lord Berenklow, to be present therein as his Commissioners.
We have News also, that Major generall Steinbock understanding
that some numbers of Massovians having recollected
themselves, he hath once again dispersed them; and they have
since sent their Deputies to him, to make a finall Accommodation.
Also, Major-generall Lovenhaupt hath passed the River
Weyssel with 1000 horse, to encounter some Polish Troops
that are got together again near Lowicz.
From Stettin, by the Last.
By the last Letters from Cracovia we understand, that his
Majesty of weden having lest Generall Wittenberg, thereabout
with 8000 men; is marched toward Chmielniski Generall
of the Cossacks, who had but a little before give his Majesty
Assurance by a speciall messenger of his Intent to serve him.
Moreover, the General of the Second brigade of Cosacks who
are in Lithuania, hath sent deputies to Warsovia, to Treat
with the grand Chancelor of Sweden.
From Paris, 1 Dec.
Marshal of Hocquincourts agreement has at last been made,
the Particulars whereof are not yet will known. Its said he
remits Peronne and Him into the Hands of the King, who
keepeth the last for himself, and bestoweth the first upon the
eldest son of the said Marshal, to whom one giveth a sum of
money to reimburse the charges he was sustained for the
strengthning of those two places. But by reason the said Marshal
had forgot himself so far, as to give car unto some Proposals
made unto him by the Spaniards, he is forced to take
out Letters of General Pardon, Which were sealed on Monday,
and are this day to be verified in the Parliament, which being
done, the King will go to Peronne, and return hither Friday
of Saturday. But news came yesterday, that the enemies
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