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Mercurius politicus, Number 286, 29th November-5th December 1655 E.491[3]

From Vienna, November 3. S. V.
Notwithstanding the strong continuance of the
Contagious Sickness which hath raigned in this
place for some time, his Majesty returned hither
the Thirtieth past, having Strictly prohibited all
persons whatsoever not to come to the Court
without his Majesties especiall License. For other
Affaires, although of never so great weight,
they must give way to our great preparations of
Warre, which are now set forth with all imaginable
From Stettin, November 23.
From Cracovia we have intelligence, That the
now Governour of that place, Major Generall
Wurtz, Fortifies, the same extremely, keeping daily
Four thousand men at Work for that Purpose
all circumjacent : As also the Board Castles were
strongly beset by the Swedes, who have now a
most puissant Army, and great concourse of People.
The Quartianers, of whom upon their submission
some thousands are entertained by them,
have already upon severall occasions done good
service. The Polish over and under Generalls,
besides twelve more of the Chief heads, have done
Homage, and sworn obedience to his Majesty of
The Elector of Brandenburghs Souldiers begin
also with considerable Troops to come in to us.
Of the Polish Garison which marched out of Cracovia,
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