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Mercurius politicus, Number 286, 29th November-5th December 1655 E.491[3]

we have nothing more. The Citizens of
that place are malecontent with their Magistrates,
for that in their accord with his Majesty of Sweden,
they forgot to agree upon the Summe which
they were so pay for the saving of their Houses
from plundering and burning, which before the
surrendring of the City they might have made
very tolerable; whereas now the Governour demands
Two thousand Ryxdollars, refusing
to accept 120000 Ryxdollars, which they
had already offered. At Warsovia most of the
Polish Lords present themselves in person, and
some by their Deputies. Notwithstanding the
Bishops of Gineson and Posen, with the Archbishop
of Lowitz, and some Polish Lords of quality hold
Conferences very frequently at Breslaw; between
which place, as also Appelen and Little Glogaw
(where the King of Poland with a Very small Retinue
remains) there goe daily Postillions and running
Messengers. Its reported, the said King will
shortly break up thence, and repair for Breslaw;
Others ate of opinion hee will goe for Dantzick
and Prussia, to encourage those States, especially
the great Cities with his presence.
From Dantzick, November, 24. S. N.
By the last Post I then wrote of the Land-day
holden at Marienbourgh, and of five points propounded
by the Swedes to the Elector of Brandenburgh,
consisting of quitting his League with the
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