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Mercurius politicus, Number 286, 29th November-5th December 1655 E.491[3]

Hollander, about his Lehen in Prussia, and being
Corrivall with him in his Prots, and having the
directory of Commerce, which have much turned
away the hearts and mindes of the People from
the Swedes of the Duke, and is conceived may
cause a neerer conjunction with him then formerly
was intended, and so may prove a Knottier business
then the Swedes expected. Since my last,
we have certain Intelligence from Lublin, by Letters
of the 23 and 24 October, that the Cossacks
with 160000 men (as reported) came before that
Town the 15. and have he wen down the Jewes,
and plundred out their Houses, and fired the fore-Town,
and compounded with the Town it self,
to have all the Priests Goods; and those that were
sled from Poland, and brought their Goods thither;
and a Ransome for themselves, and took an Oath
of them to be true to the Muscoviter, and so departed
thence the twentyeth; whether they bee
gone further, as yet we know not, but it is feared
they intend for Samosoky, which is a place of greater
strength, and much more Goods fled thither
for security sake.
Some five hundred Polish Horse under the command
of one Jalouskie have lately been at a small
Town called Wratlaffskie, seven Miles above
Thorn, and done some hurt to the Inhabitants, but
they were met withall by the Duke of Saxon-Lawenburg,
be and the principals taken, and the
rest dispersed.
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