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Mercurius politicus, Number 298, 21st-28th February 1655 E.492[10]

lighten their burthen, or be wracked, help and releefe shall
be given them upon a competent reward, and of the goods
thrown overboard, or after Shipwrack, so many as are recovered,
shall be reserved for the owner.
8. That the subjects of either Party within the resepctive
Dominions, shall for recovery of their Debts, or other lawfull
Occasions, have justice administred to them in the
Courts of Judicature, without long and unnecessary delaies.
And they shall in each other Coasts, havens, and Publick
places, have liberty to wear Arms about them for their proper
defence, so be it they give no just suspicion to the Magistrate
or Governer of the Place &c.
9. That the subjects of either Party may buy and export
out of each others Dominions any kind of Arms and provision
of warr. The ships of warr shall have free accesse to each others
Ports, but not in such numbers as to occasion iealousie,
without leave first obtained from the Governer of Magistrate
of the Place, unless they be compelled thither by Tempest,
10. That the Swedish Subjects may safely travell in England,
Scotland and Ireland, and the Dominions thereof, by
Sea or Land, and freely traffic with them in all Sorts of
Merchandise. The like freedom is to be enjoyed by the
English in the Swedish Dominions, both sides observing the
Laws, Ordiances, and particular Rights of each Nation
concerning Trade and Commerce.
XI. Although in the preceding Articles of this present
Treaty, it be forbid to either Confederate to yield any aid or
assistance to the enemies of the other; yet it is not to be so
understood, as if either Confederate having no War with the
Enemies of the other, might not sail to, or traffique with the
said Enemies, notwithstanding that the other Confederate be
in actual war with them; but it is only provided, That till a
more particular agreement be made concerning this matter
no goods called goods of Contrabanda, a Catalogue aud Specification
of which shall be made within four moneths after
the date hereof, shall be carried to the Enemies of each other
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