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Mercurius politicus, Number 298, 21st-28th February 1655 E.492[10]

Navigation, a more particular agreement, as need shall require
shall be made thereupon accommodated to the circumstances
of time and other affairs.
XVI. For what concerns other Commodities, which
Ships of War may enjoy, and the Lawes by which they shall
regulate themselves when they arrive in each others Ports and
Harbours; and for what concerns commerce to be exercised
in America, as also the advantages of the Herring, and other
Fisheries, the erecting Staples for Trade, and other things and
Conditions which shall be found requisite for the better Clearing
of the foregoing Articles, Resolution shall be had therein
according to what shall be agreed upon in a distinct and peculiar
Treaty or Contract.
From Vienna, Jan. 19. S.V.
His Imperiall Majesty hath demanded in his Landtdayes
Proposition made unto the State of Nether Austria here
assembled, for his severall needfull expences 800000 Gilders;
as also further Quarters for the Forces lying hereabouts : the
departure of the Window Electoress of Bavaria with the yong
Prince Elector, is deferred untill the fourth of February, which
past, the Emperor intends for prague, to maturate the Coronation
of his son Leopoldus in that Kingdom.
From Switzerand, Jan. 29. S.V.
From Zurick it was confirmed last Wednesday, that the
Zurickers lay still before Rappeswill, but had not bin able as
yet, by reason of the extremity of Frost, to attempt any thing
upon the said place. In the mean time, being those within the
City doe continually sallie out upon them, abundance of people
is destroyed on both sides. It continues, that Capt. Rattige,
with some others that attempted the Zurickers Leaguer,
are carryed Prisoners for Zurick. The Berners have divided
their Army into three Bodies; one being gone for Mellingen
and Bremgart, the second for Friburg, and the third (as is
said) for Lucern, where the Commissioners from those places
that declared themselves Neutrall doe still continue, using all
possible endeavour fairly to accommodate the difference, but
the heart burnings and bitterness on both sides is grown to
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