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Mercurius politicus, Number 298, 21st-28th February 1655 E.492[10]

such a height, that we are almost past all hopes of reconciliation.
From the Confederates of the Catholicks in Italy, 300.
men are come on for their assistance, who are sent for Opper-Baden.
From Hamburgh, Feb. 5. S. V.
The Berners trusting to the declared Neutality of those of
Lucern, and having in confidence thereof lodged two Regiments
of their Army thereabouts; the said Lucerners (as by
this dayes Post we are informed) with 3000 men fell unawares
upon them, (breaking their engagement of Neutrality and
absolutely ruined both Regiments: What resentment this
persidfous action will have by the Protestants may be imagined.
The Post, and severall Letters from Breme (being come
this day hither) relate unamimously, that yesterday about three
a clock in the afternoon, the thunder strook into the Cathodrall
Church there, and burnt the same down to the ground.
From Prussia, Feb. 9. S. N.
Grave Magnus with divers Regiments is returned for Lithuania,
and hath commission from the King of Sweden to
fight the Moscoviter: which will yet cause Hempe to rise in
price, and breed further distraction in trading. His Majesty
of Sweden is marching back for Poland; if he be assured of
the Cossacks, he may then Possess Poland in quietness, and
settle affaires there, otherwise not. The city of Dantzick
would fain be relieved, but know not where to finde help; it
were to be wish'd for the good of Christendome, it might remain
a free Port.
From Konigsberg, Jan. 15.
The infectious Diseases increasing here, it seems the Prince
Elector of Brandenburgh, as soon as the Princess shall be able
to take the aire, intends to goe into the Countrey to visit his
Country palaces, and to stay there for a time; and assoon as
the Highways are open again, to take a journy into the Marck.
The Bishop of Ermland treats with the Pr: Elector, that he
might enjoy the Bishopric till death, and that the said Bishoprick
might not be reduced into a secular Estate during his
life. The Princes Soulders have drawn their Cannons and
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