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Mercurius politicus, Number 298, 21st-28th February 1655 E.492[10]

of the Tartars making an Invasion upon the Moscovite.
And we doe all unanimously rejoice at the Peace concluded
betwixt his Majesty and the Prince Elector of Brandenburg.
From Naples, January 24.
The Duke Del Infantado is come hither from Pozzuolo, to
take leave of the Vice-Roy, who hath appointed a Galley to
transport him into Spain.
We Understand, that Queen Christina of Sweden hath a
very great desire to come and visit this City, notwithstanding
the Reasons that have been alledged to her by the Spaniards
that are about her, to divert her intention. However,
the Vice Roy hath received order from the Spanish Court
at Madrid, that in case she come, he should goe out as farre
as Monte-Cassino to meet her, and receive her with all possible
state and magnificence, and to assign the Palace-Royall
for her Lodging.
From Colen, February 8.
The Countrey of Juliers hath been very much harassed by
the Spanish and Condean Troops, who have committed many
strange acts of violence and disorder. They lately entred
the Town of Thuin by Force at midnight, and constrained
the Inhabitants to save themselves by flight; but those
18000 men which are mustered by order of our Elector,
and the Electors of Mentz and Triers, and of the Duke of
Newburgh, are marched with a resolution to finde them out,
and remove or fight them.
Our Letters here out of Prussia Royall, doe inform us,
That the Swedes being become Masters of all the Countrey,
except Dantzick, Marienbourg, Putzko, and Schlocow, Count
Oxenstieon the Swedish Chancelor, lately sent a Trumpet to
Major Generall Weyer, who at present holds these places at
the devotion of the King of Poland, to offer him a Treaty
order to a surrender, or else to let him know there would be a
proceeding to extremity.
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