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Mercurius politicus, Number 298, 21st-28th February 1655 E.492[10]

Also, that a Gentleman arrived lately at Dantzick
with three Letters from the King of Poland;
One was to the Magistrates and Inhabitants of that
City, to exhort them to remain constant in their
Fidelity to his Service, and giving them hopes that
he may be able to bring about some Reliefe for
them, having an Army ready to march, which hee
hath together by the assistance of the Palatine of
Hungaria, and of some of the Polish Nobility.
The Second Letter was to the Elector of Brandenburg,
and a Third to Count Guldenstern, which
came too late to doe any good; the state of Affairs
being much changed by the Agreement made
betwixt the King of Sweden, and the said Elector.
What effect the King of Polands Letter will take
with those of the City of Dantzick, time will
further inform, in the interim they seem very unanimous
and resolute in opposing his Majesty of
From Marseilles, February 15.
On the Tenth of this moneth, we has Intelligence
brought us, that the Frigat of the Commander
Pol, having chased a Barque belonging to
the Island of Majorca, forced all men in her to
save themselves, by landing upon the Coast of
Sardinia, and to quit their Vessell, carrying foure
great Gunns; and she is brought in to Toulon.
From Venice, February 1.
There are twelve ships which are made ready in
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