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Mercurius politicus, Number 298, 21st-28th February 1655 E.492[10]

the Port of Malamocco, which are to goe to Candia
with the Count Ferdinando Scotti, and to joyn
with our Fleet which is about the Dardanelles, and
hinder the going out of the Turkish Fleet, as they
did the last year.
By a ship come from Smyrna, which is arived in
the aforesaid Port of Malamocco, Newes is brought
that there is a very great Alarm at Constantinople,
for fear of the son of the late strangled Visier, who
is drawn very near this City with his Forces, which
are said to be som what formidable.
The Procurator Sagredo, who was sent from this
Republick upon an Embassy to the Pope, is returned
from Rome, being brought in by many of our
Nobility, who went out to meet him.
Prince Palatine, Edward is also newly arived in
this City.
From Genoa, Febr. 9.
We understand, that the Duke of Modena is at
Turin in the Court of Savoy.
From the Spanish Court at Madrid we are advised,
That the Marquis Serra is to have the Command
of a Campmaster-Generall of the Spanish
Forces in the Territory of Milan; That Don Balthazar
Panteco, who was intended to bee sent into
the West-Indies in the Island of Hispaniola, to govern
there, is now not to goe, but to continue in
his Generalship of the Artillery in Catalonia, and
the other Government is bestowed on Don Carlos
de Menco. who from a private Souldier is mounted
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