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Mercurius politicus, Number 298, 21st-28th February 1655 E.492[10]

to the charge of Generall of the Gallions of the
Fleet. That the Government of the Canary Isles
is Conferred on Don Fernando Tecada.
Moreover, the Spanish King hath sent Order to
all Ports and Places upon the Sea-Coasts of his
Dominions, requiring all men punctually to observe
the Orders formerly given, whereby all persons
that are able to bear Armes, are commanded
not to depart their homes, without leave first obtained
under the hands of the Commanders; to the
end they may not bee to seek of Men to doe service,
in case any Attempts shall be made by the English.
From St. Ghilain, February 20.
Yesterday, the Count of Schomberg our Governor,
made a Review of our Garison. He has put
all things in so good a posture, that we have cause
to feare an Enemy. And to deterre all men from
holding Intelligence hereafter with the Enemy, he
hath caused some of the Soldiery to be apprehended,
upon suspicion of being parties in the late treason
acted here by him who had the charge of the
Thursday, February 21. 1655. At the Councill
at White-Hall.
WHereas by an Order of his Highness and
the Councill of the Fifteenth of February
instant, it was referred to the Commissioners of
the Admiralty and Navie, to cause a generall Embargo
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