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Mercurius politicus, Number 298, 21st-28th February 1655 E.492[10]

Religion. At the same time, she took occasion to recommend
the interests of the Duke of Parma to his holiness, about a
difference of his depending in the Apostlick Chamber, touching
the Dutchy of Castro.
She in like manner takes upon her to plead on the behalf
of divers other Princes and great personages, who make
application to her; but above all, she is ruled most by the
Spaniards, and applies herself wholly to the serving of their
Interests; which shews that she intends wholly to depend upon
that Crown.
You have already had the Names of the Judges appointed for
the Several Circuits; now take and Account of the day upon which
the Assises are to be kept in the Severall Towns and Cities within
each Circuit throughout England.
Lent Assises, in the year of our Lord, 1655.
HAmpshire, Tuesday March 4, at the castle of Winchester.
Wiltshire, Friday March 7, at New-Sarum.
Dorsetshire, Wednesday March 12, at Dorchester.
Somersetsh. Saturday march 15, at Chard.
Cornwall, Monday march 24 at Launcelton.
City of Excester, Saturday march 29, at the Guildhall of the
city of Excester.
Devensh, the same day at the castle of Excester.
Norfolk, Wednesday march 5, at Thetford.
Suffolk, Monday march 10, at Bury St Edmonds.
Cambridge, Friday march 14, at the castle of Cambridge.
Huntington, Monday march 17, at the Town of Huntington.
Bedford, Tuesday march 18, at the Town of Bedford.
Bucks, Friday march 21, at Alisbury.
Berks, Thursday February 28, at Reading
Oxon, Monday march 3, at Oxford.
Glocester-county, Friday march 17, at Glocester.
Glencester city, the same day at the city of Gloucester.
Monmouth, Wednesday march 12, at Monmouth.
Hereford, Friday march 14, at Hereford.
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