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Mercurius politicus, Number 310, 15th-22nd May 1656 E.493[17]

Writings they have fraudulently gotten possession of divers Lands, Tezements, &c.
belonging to the late King, Queen, Prince, Archbishops,
Bishops, Deans, Deans and Chapters, with Estates of Delinquents, and
other Lands forfeited to the Commonwealth; which hath much tended
to the prejudice of the honest and faithful Soldiery, as well as the great
damage of the Publick. Any three or more of the Commissioners have
power to sit and act from time to time, and their Commission is to
continue for two years, and no longer.
This Commission relates only to the Discovery of the particulars
above-mentioned. The other Commission for Discoveries in general
you shall shortly have an Account of, it being ere long to be put in
execution. The names of the Commissioners you had in the last Mondays
Book: So that now well-disposed persons may have an opportunity
given them to do service to the Commonwealth by discovering
such as have defrauded it in any kind whatsoever.
From Paris, May 19. Stilo, novo.
On the 13 instant, the Queen, according to her
custom, retired her self to Val-de-Grace, to celebrate
the Anniversary devotion used in memory
of Lewis the 13. her husband.
The next day she was visited there by the King,
Monsieur, and the Cardinall, with a great number
of Lords that attended them. In the evening they
went to the Quire in the Nunnery, and sang a
Mass for the quiet and repose of the Soul of the
deceased King.
On the 14. the Sieur de Bellingham returned
from their Royall Highnesses of Savoy, to whom
he had been sent by the King.
On the 15. here arived Col. Lockhart, who was
sent from the Lord Protector. He came in about
six a Clock in the morning, with 20 Horse attending
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