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Mercurius politicus, Number 310, 15th-22nd May 1656 E.493[17]

The same day, the Parlament being assembled,
Monsieur de Montauglan, one of their late exiled
Members, came and took his seat again amongst
them, and gave the assembly many thanks for the
good Offices by them done on his behalf. The
rest of the late exiled Members have the Kings
leave likewise to return; and before night, another
Member returned from Exile, namely, Monsieur
Benoise, who stood confined to the Town of Yssedoun.
This day also the great Marriage was performed
at Court, betwixt Prince Harcourt, son and heir of
the Duke of Elboeus, and Madamoiselle the eldest
daughter of the deceased Duke of Bouillon. The
young Couple were brought to the Louvre by the
Dutchess of Lorrain, Duke Francis of Lorrain,
the Damoiselles of Guise & Elboeus, and the Count
of Lilebonne, kinred of the said Prince Harcourt;
also by Marshall Turein, and the Princess his wise,
kinred of the said Lady Bouillon. At the very instant
of the Ceremony, there happened an odde
quarrell betwixt Cardinal Antonio, and the Priest
of that Parish wherein stands the Louvre. The
Priest came in all his Formalities of Surplice and
Stole, with intent to have marryed them; which
the Cardinal understanding, came to the Priest,
and demanded what he meant; his answer was, He
intended to marry Prince Harcourt, as being Curat
of the Louvre; but the Cardinal told him he ought
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