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Mercurius politicus, Number 310, 15th-22nd May 1656 E.493[17]

not, for that it belonged to himself, as grand Almoner
of France, ceremonies of this nature being annexed to that
great Office. Nevertheless, the Priest pressing on the said
Cardinal took him by the surplice and tore it over his ears.
Afterwards, the knot was tied by the said Cardinal as
grand Almoner of France, in the presence of the whole
Court. Their Majesties, and Monsieur, signed the Contract,
after it had been read by the Sieur De Gueneg and
Secretary of State, with all other Ceremonies that are
usually observed for Princes and Princesses upon the like
occasion. The Clothes of the young Couple were so richly
set forth with Pearles and precious Stones, that they were
valued at above two Millions of Livres. The young Lady
had a Present given her of one hundred Thousand Livres.
On the 17. Marshall Tureine having taken his leave of
their Majesties, departed hence, to give order for the
march of the Kings Army which hee is to command in
The Assembly of the Clergie, having some daies ago
received an order from the King to remove out of Paris, and
to fit at Soissons, they have been much troubled at it, the
Pope having by private Instructions over and above his late
Letter to them, cut out work which they are to doe here
in the Kings absence, and now they see their designes are
understood at Court. Hereupon, they yesterday thought
fit to send their deputies to the King; the subject of their
deputation was to request his Majesty to revoke that order
which enjoyneth their remove to Soissons, desiring they
may have time given them to returne an Answer to the
Briefe or Letter which was sent to them by the Pope; they
Paid hold upon the present opertunity likewise to present to
his Majesty the results of their assembly against those of the
Reformsed Religion. But to these things wet know not yet
what Answer hath been given.
All motions here now are towards the Field, the Generall
being gone before. On Saturday last, the Count of Ligneville
and the Baron Du Chastelet went hence to conduct
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