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Mercurius politicus, Number 310, 15th-22nd May 1656 E.493[17]

Parties; but especially by the swedish King, who will lose
no time as soon as all his Forces shall be joyned together.
From Vienna May 2.
The Envoy of the great Duke of Moscovie is departed
hence to return to his Master, declaring that he hath received
much satisfaction by his negotiating in this Court.
Nevertheless, he stood so farr upon Puntillios, that he refused
to carry the letters which had been written by the
Emperor to his Master, because of some defect in the superscription,
the Emperor having in the List of the great
Dukes Titles omitted those Places which he lately conquered
in Poland. Whereupon it hath been resolved here
by the Imperiall Council, that the Letters shall be sent to
the Emperors agent residing at Mosco, to require him to
deliver them to the great Duke, and Instructions
to give the Duke an account of the Reasons of the
said omission; one of which Reasons is said to be
this, That the said Conquered places cannot be taken
for other than usurpations, till they be justified,
and the possession made authentick by some
From Conigsberg in Prussia.
They write hither out of Liesland, that the
Moscovites commonly give out, that their Great
Duke hath made an Accommodement with the
K. of Poland; and they write, that he hath made
proclamation upon the Frontires of Liesland, that
he is constrained to declare War there against the
Swedes, because they refuse to make restitution of
what they have taken from him; stirring up the
people with large Promises of preserving their Liberties
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