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Mercurius politicus, Number 310, 15th-22nd May 1656 E.493[17]

and priviledges to come under his Obedience.
But as yet he hath not made any Invasion
upon that province.
By the following Letter from Elbing to a Gentleman
in Dantzick, the Reader may collect much of the
state of Affairs in those Parts, and how they are
like to go in that considerable Town of Dantzick.
Sir, I received your letter with the inclosed
Prints, and cannot but let you know, what you say
of the Swedes defeat, their Kings death, and the
falling in off the Moscovits into Liesland, is of no
foundation, Likewise, that the King of Swedens
Brother had fought with the Poles by Golob, altho
at the same time he lay sick at Warsovia. At Krasnostaw
you say that Generall Dowglas and Count
Woldemar were both slain in a bloody fight; although
the oneis yet alive, the other dead long ago
of a burning Fever. You rely much upon Czarneckies
relation, as if above 5000 of the Swedes
were killed; however, Czarneckies own Letter to
the Queen of Poland doth not mention the least
thereof: Also, that four storms have been lost before
Zamoscie, when as but some few Firebals were
cast in; and the place quitted immediately thereupon.
Concerning the Swedes defeat, you say,
all Posts have been stopt, as if they did not know
at Dantzick that the same was done for another
reason; and in case the Post should be stopped, yet
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