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Mercurius politicus, Number 310, 15th-22nd May 1656 E.493[17]

Two Holland Ships have lately landed here 500. Spanish
Foot to supplie the places of those who were sent hence to
Portolongone and other Places of Strength which his Catholick
Majesty holds, upon the Tuscan Sea.
The Turkish Pirates have newly taken two Felouques
transporting pilgrims that were going in devotion to visit the
Chapell of our Lady of Loretto, and two Vessels laden with
Corne belonging to this City.
From constantinople, April 20.
The Venetians shewing themselves unreasonable in their
demands, which are not only to have Candia and the adjacent
Islands, but also Dalmatia yieided to them, we are resolved to
continue the war, & do make preparations of greater strength
this year, then hath bin these hundred years last past.
From Konigsberg, May 6.
Thoren hath been in danger of being taken by the Polanders
running promiscuously into the Town with the Swedes,
but it was prevented by the vigilancy of the Governor, who
caused the Bridges to be broken. The suspected Jesuites were
at the same time turned out of the place, which hath caused
great complaints and lamentations among the people.
From Elbing the 8.
The Elector of Brandenburgh hath sent the Gen. Canenburg
to Littaw with 34 Troops of horse to the assistance of the
Swedes, the King having been in some danger whereof, by
Gods providence, his Majesty hath bin preserved. It is said,
that the great Chancelor Oxenstern is to go to him.
From the Rhinestream, the 16.
His Highness the Archduke Leopoldus is expected this day
at Colen, where he cometh Incognito, to worship the 3. holy
Kings, and some other Relicks, and from thence is to goe to
Bonee, and so to Vienna, it being reported, that he is to command
the Emperors Army in Silesia.
From Stettin, May 9.
The Castle of Branbergh in Poland, being surrendred by the
Swedes at discretion, the Polanders have branded them all
with a mark on the forehead, which indignity is much resented
by this party.
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