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Mercurius politicus, Number 310, 15th-22nd May 1656 E.493[17]

Col. Lockhart who was sent hither from his Highness the
Protector to reside in this Court, hath had all respect given
him, and a very favorable Audience of the King Queen and
Cardinal. The Protestant Church at Charenton, hearing that
the said Publick Minister was arived at this Court, have to
show the great honor and respect they bear to his Highness the
Lord Protector as the Patron of the Reformed Churches in
every place, obtained permission to des[unr]ce the name of the
King which was in the Inscription of the Sewt designed in their
Church for the Ambassadors of England, so that it is no more
now, Pour les Ambassaders du Roy de la grand Bretagne, For
the Ambassadors of the King of great Britain: but [unr] its
Ambassadors de la grand Bretagne, For the Ambassadors of
great Britain. Which the said church hath done also to testifie
the desire they have, with no lesse joy than respect, to
receive the Ministers of his said Highness.
Some of the Servants and Retainers of the Titular Duke
of york, having cast out unhandsome words, strict command
hath been given, that none of his Followers doe presume to
behave themselves in unseemly manner, or attempt any thing
to the prejudice of the publick peace, or of the Law of Nations.
An Advertisement of Books newly published:
An Epitome of all the Common and Statute Laws of this Nation,
now in force. Wherein more then Fifteen hundred of the hardest words on terms of
the Law are explained; and all the most useful and profisable heads or Titles of the
Law by way of Common Place, largely, plainly, and methodically handled. With an
Alphabetical Table. B. William Sheppard, Esq; Published by his Highness permission
Sold by W. Lee, D. Pekeman, J. Wright, H. Twyford, G. Bedell, Tho.
Brewster, Ed. Dod, and J. Place.
Examinations, Censures, and Consutations of divers Errors, in the two first Chapter of
Mr. Hobbs his Leviathan. Sold by will Hope, at the Blow Anchor on the Northside
of the Royal Exchange.
A new Impression of Mr. Tho. Brooks, his pretious Remedies against Satans devices,
or Salve for Believers and Unbelievers sores; whereunto is added seven characters of
Also a new Impression of Mr. Metcalss Book of Short Writing, with new Additions,
being made more plain, exact, and easre, for weak capacities, then any other formerly.
Sold both by John Hancock in Popes-head alley, the first shop next to Cornhil.
Vindicixe Thesium de Sabhato, Or a Vindication of the morality of the Sabbath,
against Edw, Fisher, E[unr] in his Book called a Christian Caveat, &c. As also an
answer to bu is Questions, lately published against suspending Ignorant and Scandalous
persons from the Lords Supper. By Giles Colliers, Preacher of Gods Word at Blockley.
Sold by Edw. Brewster at the Crane in St. Pauls Church-yard.
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