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Mercurius politicus, Number 310, 15th-22nd May 1656 E.493[17]

It is desired to be made publick, That Monsieny Lewis Miquo hath long served Sir
William Paston, Baronet; unto whom his Master, the said Sir William, hath given
that most excellent and admired Receipt of the Plaister Unguent and Bath, which immediately
taketh away the pains of the Gout, and Strengthneth the Sinews. As very many
Persons of Honor and Repute in this Town, and other places, can testifie. If any therefore
have occasion to make use of it his House is the first of the new Buildings in Queenstreet
next Long acre, where they who desire it may have it, with perfect directions
for the Application.
From Dantzick May 10 S. N.
Vpon the 8 istant, the King of Sweden came into Elbing.
The day following, his Queen also came in thither. The
great [unr]uns at this meeting proclaimed Joy throughout all the
Swedish Garrisons in Prussia The King brought with him to
the City of [unr] six and Thirty i[unr]roops of horse which hee
joyned with the Forces commanded by Generall wrangel.
And now we have News that the Polanders under Czarnecki
who lay by the River Notez, have been deseated by him,
and many of them being slain, the rest were constrained to
[unr] for it.
This day the Elector of Brandenburgh is to give Audience
to the Moscovites Ambassadors.
His Majesty of Poland is coming down this way; he hath
been collecting an Army in White Russia; and we are told
hee hath in severall Bodies near 100[unr]00, men, beside those
he expects from the Cos[unr]cks and Tartars
The Palrsh Puisants are said to have made an Insurrection
for the driving of the Swedes out of Cracovia, and that they
have so blocked up that City, that the Swedish garrison there is
afflicted with Famine.
The Swedish Army under the Command of Field Marshal
Wittenberg is now on camped near Warsovia, whether tis said
that more Forces are to come to him with a train of Artillery.
The generall risings of the Polish people have put the Swedes
to it extreamly; and if they can bear out this Brunt they will
carry all before them.
As touching the Moscovites warring against the Swedes in
Liesland, many things are reported; but tis certain that
hitherto hee hath done nothing, so that as yet all is but
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