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Mercurius politicus, Number 310, 15th-22nd May 1656 E.493[17]

The particulars of the Commision for Discover[unr]s
THe commission for Discoveries in generall being almost
ready to be put in execution, and the time of the sitting
of the Commissioners drawing near, therefor, for the information
of such who are willing to doe service for the Commonwealth,
take the heads of it as followeth.
The ground of the Commission is, That severall Mannors,
Lands, Tenements, Rents, Arrears of Rents, Debts, Duties,
Monies, and other Goods and Chattels to a very great value,
belonging to the Commonwealth, are by fraud, collusion, or
otherwise unjustly concealed and detained, to the prejudice of
the State, and the great diminution of the publick Revenue;
In the discovery whereof divers well affected persons being
willing and ready to serve the publick, it hath been thought
sit to issue out the said Commission to receive Discoveries of
such Lands, Goods, &c. as aforesaid, which are not pardoned
but unjustly concealed and detained: And a Competent
reward and recompence is there by assigned for the encouragement
of such persons as shall make any Discovery, in regard
of the pains and Charges which they shall undergoe in so
The main Particulars of the Commission are these, That
the Commissioners have power to reeciv Informations touching
any Concealments as aforesaid; and to send for any persons,
parties, witnesses, Records, Accompts, Books, and writings
what soever, in order to the better discovery.
That before any person be molested or summoned upon
any information, the persons informing shall put in Security
to prove and make good the Information, or else to pay reasonable
damages to the parties summoned.
That if upon full hearing of the parties concerned, it shall
appear that any discovery be made good, the Commissioners
are to contisie the whole matter concerning it, unto his Highnesses
Commissioners for the Treasury.
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